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About Alphacool in North Queensland

 Call 1300 325 742  Call 1300 325 742


Company Values

  • Safety – Safety first, Safety always
  • Integrity – Honesty and professionalism is the cornerstone of all success
  • Teamwork – many individuals one team
  • Relationships – We look for and foster good working relationships

  • Communication – Open and honest communication is key
  • Initiative – We encourage and nurture new ideas
  • Recognition – We acknowledge outstanding performance and celebrate success


Alphacool has always and will always be committed to providing so far as is reasonably practicable a working environment that is safe and without risk to health for its employees, contractors and others through the effective implementation of their policies. Every person who works for Alphacool is responsible for ensuring that health and safety is managed in all aspects of the business.

Safety is a core value and creating a safe and healthy workplace is our top priority, improving safety also makes us a more efficient business and we are committed to providing a safe work environment and complying with health and safety legislation and statutory requirements.

Our key Objectives are:

  • Implementing proactive health and safety management strategies;
  • Integrating WHS management into our projects at the planning stage;
  • Controlling the risks from hazards by the Occupational Risk Management process of Hazard Identification, Risk Assessment and Risk Control;
  • Monitoring and reviewing risk controls to ensure they remain effective;
  • Involving our employees in the decision making processes through structured communication, consultation and training;
  • Providing ongoing education and learning for our employees to enable them to work in the safest way possible;
  • Requiring employees to comply with their legislated and company WHS responsibilities;
  • Implementing continuous improvement strategies; and
  • Providing effective injury management and rehabilitation strategies.

We continuously have our Health & Safety policies, manuals, plans and procedures reviewed and updated to meet or exceed all legislation and industry best practice. 


Alphacool have defined a Work, Health, Safety, and Environment system.  These documents incorporate the requirements of AS/NZS 4801, relevant industry standards and legal regulations to conduct business, protect the environment,  enable safe work practices and minimise work related injury and illness. These include the following:

  • Integrated Management Plan – To outline how Alphacool will conduct business
  • Work Health, Safety and Environment Policy Statement – To outline how safely Alphacool will conduct said business
  • Environmental Policy- To outline Alphacool will protect the environment while conducting said business
  • Industrial Relations Policy Statement – To outline how Alphacool will treat its employees, contractor and clients fairly while conducting business 

 Call 1300 325 742  Call 1300 325 742

Licenses - Cairns

Licenses - Port Douglas



